Assignment 2:2 – Memorandum Concerning LinkedIn Best Practices



To: Danisa Rambing, Jordan Zhao, Morgan Lorenz, Team Twirling Gold ENGL 301 Writing Team
From: Johnathan Tam, Team Twirling Gold ENGL 301 Writing Team Member
Date: October 22, 2021
Subject: LinkedIn Best Practices


As part of the requirements for assignment 2:2, I have conducted research on best practices for using LinkedIn as a professional networking site. Please find below a summary of 10 best practices to consider using in a LinkedIn profile:

  1. Include a high-quality headshot as the profile picture to make the page appear more professional and capture a potential employer’s interest.
  2. Complete the entire profile and ensure all vital details such as work experience, projects, and volunteer experience are up to date.
  3. Utilize keywords that are relevant to the interested industry. This will enable the profile to appear more often in search results.
  4. Proof-read to ensure there are no spelling and grammatical errors. This demonstrates professionalism and detail-orientation to potential employers.
  5. Design a personalized profile URL to remove unnecessary symbols, numbers, and letters.
  6. Participate in industry-specific groups to network with other professionals and exchange knowledge.
  7. Collect recommendations and endorsement on skills to establish authenticity and stand out from others.
  8. Create a personalized connect invitation to be more engaging and increase the likelihood of the recipient accepting.
  9. Post quality content to cultivate more influence, drive traffic flow, and acquire new followers.
  10. Consistently engage with others by liking and commenting on posts.

In conclusion, LinkedIn can be a very powerful tool to network with other professionals and showcase your achievements and experience. It is my hope that the ten best practices above can help you create a LinkedIn profile that attracts the attention of prospective employers. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.



Works Cited

“How To Use Linkedin Effectively: Getting The Best From The World’s Biggest Networking Site”. Mindtools.Com,

Kim, Larry. “22 Great Tips for Enhancing Your LinkedIn Profile.” Medium, 20 Feb. 2018,

Shore, Jennifer. “17 LinkedIn Marketing Best Practices“. Smartbugmedia.Com, 16 Jan. 2020

“Twelve Ways To Optimize Your Linkedin Profile For Job Search”. Undercover Recruiter, 2011,


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