Memo-Ten Best Practices for Using LinkedIn


To: Team Potluck, Eng 301 Techinical Writing Group

From: Lea Ang Salamanca, Team Potluck Member, Eng 301 Technical Writing

Date: October 22, 2021

Subject: Ten Best Practices for Using LinkedIn

Dear Team Potluck,

Linkedin is a professional networking internet site that students can use to find meaningful internships and jobs. It is a valuable tool in creating an online professional brand that boosts one’s chances of finding job opportunities. To help everyone get started in building LinkedIn profiles, below are the ten best LinkedIn practices:

  • Having a clear sense of purpose and desired outcomes before making the profile
  • Completing the profile page thoroughly
  • Including at least five skills on the profile
  • Practicing intentional networking by aligning with individuals or companies that fit one’s goals
  • Showcasing work, leadership, knowledge and proficiency in status updates, group conversations and LinkedIn answers
  • Maximizing profile visibility by using relevant keywords
  • Utilize the power of the alumni network when making connections
  • Remembering the purpose of using the LinkedIn profile when sharing connections and ideas
  • Acting or replying promptly when receiving introduction requests and inquiries
  • Getingt involved as an active candidate when looking for a job. Actively calling hiring managers of relevant job postings rather than relying solely on emails

I hope that my research helps in assisting you build your LinkedIn accounts. If you have any questions, please send me an email at

Works Cited:

Akande, Olutube. “How To Increase Your LinkedIn Profile Visibility.” LinkedIn. November 2017,

Calkins, Andrew M. “LinkedIn: Key Principles and Best Practices for Online Networking & Advocacy by Nonprofit              Organizations.”(2013). Retrieved from Sophia, the St. Catherine University repository website:

Elad, Joel. LinkedIn for Dummies. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2014,

McCabe, M.B.”Social Media Marketing Strategies for Career Advancement: An Analysis of Linkedin.”(2017). Journal of Business and Behavioural Sciences. 29-1. Pg. 85-99. Retrieved from:

“Your LinkedIn profile-Overview.” 22 May 2021,

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