Assignment 2.2: Memorandum on LinkedIn Networking and Opportunities


To: Jordan Zhao, Danisa Rambling, and Johnathan Tam, Team Members of Twirling Gold in ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC 

From: Morgan Lorenz, Student in ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC

Datiale: October 23rd, 2021

Subject: Best Practices for LinkedIn: Networking and Connections

In an emerging world where networking and maintaining connections across one’s field of business concentrates on a social media platform, LinkedIn can provide ample resources for professionals to establish themselves within their field while also growing in their own leadership through educational resources on the platform. For Assignment 2.2, we are to provide further information regarding LinkedIn as a resource for connecting others to networking and professional opportunities. Below are ten best practices for professional networking when using LinkedIn: 

  1. Professional Headshot: use a professional headshot to establish a positive first impression.
  2. Conduct Meaningful Outreach: make meaningful connections by connecting with others working in fields or companies of interest. It never hurts to reach out out of curiosity and wanting to learn more! 
  3. Follow Employer Guidelines for Social Networking: be sure to follow networking guidelines by own place of employment to be sure compliance and protocol is being followed accordingly. 
  4. Maintain Connections by Staying Active on LinkedIn: establish yourself on the platform by engaging with current connections, reaching out to others and staying up to date with new content weekly.
  5. Continue Education in the Workspace: take some LinkedIn Certificate program classes, which can be found under LinkedIn Learning, to gain leverage in own place of work for personal and professional growth. Classes include Excel Essential Training to Powerful Prioritization in the Workspace to Communicating with Confidence. 
  6. Interact with Groups of Interest: Join groups of interest, such as “Marketing Professionals” or “Womxn Only” professional groups, to increase networking opportunities with like-minded individuals in current field. This allows for connections to multiply within own field and develop connections to future opportunities across the world.
  7. Maintain a Positive and Professional Tone: Maintain a positive and professional tone when engaging with others. This will lead to more opportunities to connect with others across different networks. 
  8. Utilize Awards and Experience Section to Leverage Accomplishments: Leverage endorsements and positive mentions in the recommendations and awards section of profile to translate confidence and experience in field of expertise. 
  9. Revise LinkedIn Profile to Target Employers In Interested Field of Employment: Target profile to current area of expertise and field of work. Be sure to mention key skills developed throughout each employment opportunity to illustrate growth and establish direct connection to skill development. This will attract recruiters or potential employers. 
  10. Share Connections, Events or Stories that Speak to You: Don’t be afraid to share meaningful events or articles that spoke to you in terms of professional and developmental growth in your industry. LinkedIn allows not just for networking to foster but for more knowledge to be shared with others that may not be discovered elsewhere. 

Please take the above into consideration when considering LinkedIn for supporting professional networking. 

Works Cited


Agrawal, P. (6 Oct. 2020). “Building a heterogeneous social network recommendation system” LinkedIn Engineering. Retrieved from

Become Team. (17 Nov. 2020). “How to Use LinkedIn for Professional Development & Networking.” Retrieved from

Lannon, John M., and Laura J. Gurak. Technical Communication, MLA Update. Pearson College, 2017.

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