2:3 Formal Report Progress Memorandum


To:  Dr. Erika Paterson, Instructor for ENGL 301 99A Technical Writing 2021W
From:  Kitty Yan, Student of ENGL 301 99A Technical Writing 2021W
Date:  October 29, 2021
Subject: 301 Assignment 2:3 Formal Report Progress on the Proposal of Initializing a Fatigue Risk Management Program for WestJet Airport Agents


The purpose of this report is to provide recommendations for initializing a fatigue risk management program for WestJet Airport agents.

Significance of Report

The report will investigate current fatigue risks for local agents at the Vancouver International Aiport to promote a healthier lifestyle and mentality (increasing their attention to their own needs and fatigue levels) as well as to provide an opportunity to create a healthier workplace.

Intended Audience

The General Manager, Stephan Funk, Hub Duty Manager, Trevor Gerrett, and the team of Operation Leads and Irregular Operations Coordinators for WestJet Airlines Ltd. at the Vancouver International Airport.

Report Objectives

The formal report will be used to:

  • Identify current risks of fatigue for WestJet Airport Agents, specifically those who work at the airport (ground crew)
  • Provide feasible recommendations on the steps to initialize a fatigue risk management program based on the identified risks

The primary data collection will be a series of interviews with a customer service agent and/or baggage service agent, an Operation Lead and an Irregular Operations Coordinator, with the set of questions as attached: 301 Kitty Yan Interview Questions

To round out the interviews and the primary data collection, a survey for all WestJet agents at the Vancouver International Airports that are willing to participate will be sent out, with the link as follows: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6gv3r7DNMGRHTZY

Secondary sources, such as research completed by Transport Canada on fatigue risk, will be used to supplement the proposal with the current knowledge of fatigue risk, along with research and facilitation of fatigue risk management programs.

Formal Report Outline

Attached is the link to the outline for the formal report: https://blogs.ubc.ca/engl301-99a-2021wa/2021/10/29/23-formal-report-outline-2/

Research Plan

The current plan of research into the feasibility of initializing a fatigue risk management program for WestJet Airport Agents at the Vancouver International Airport are as follows:

  • Identify current risks for fatigue through research from Transport Canada on the aviation industry (and what is applicable between flight crew versus ground crew)
  • Research and identify current/past fatigue risk management programs initialized in industries that are more safety critical
  • Identify current help resources for agents
  • Interviews with 2-3 agents from different departments (as specified above: customer/baggage service agent(s), Operation Lead and Irregular Operations Coordinator) to identify current issues and procedures:
    • The average amount of time they are scheduled for shifts
    • The average amount of time worked in a shift
    • The average amount of days worked
    • The average amount of time spent commuting
    • The average amount of days spent to work overtime/extension of shifts
    • The average amount of occurrences of operational delays
    • The areas of duties they are asked to complete within their shifts
  • Compile results from survey data and complete data analysis
  • Produce visuals based on survey data
Writing Schedule

Please see below for my writing schedule for the coming months:

  • October 29: Formal report outline/progress report and published survey/interview questions
  • November 1: Begin requests for interviews and begin secondary research for resources/begin draft for formal report
  • November 5: Complete introduction of formal report (and work on the full formal report) and distribute online survey to WestJet agents at local airport
  • November 12: Complete all interviews and start data analysis on survey results (finishing up a draft of the formal report)
  • November 16: Publish formal report draft
  • November 19: Complete peer review of formal report draft
  • November 22: Complete editing of formal report draft based on peer review
  • November 26: Publish formal report

Thank you for taking the time to review and give professional insights on the progress of my formal report for improvements. Please let me know if there are any questions on this progress report.

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