Assignment 2.3: Progress Report Memorandum


To: Dr. Erika Paterson, Instructor at ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC

From: Morgan Lorenz, Student in ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC

Date: October 29, 2021

Subject: 301 Formal Report Progress Report: Proposal for Increasing Physical Activity Opportunities for Undergraduate Students at University of British Columbia through Online Platforms

Please find this as an update to my progress on my formal report which has been posted to my writing team forum for viewing. Attached to this memo is a copy of the following document.

A. Purpose and Significance of Report

The purpose of this report is to provide recommendations for interested undergraduate students at University of British Columbia with versatile options to increase their physical activity through online applications, Youtube videos/channels, or utilizing their own external environment.

B. Intended Audience

Undergraduate students with low physical activity or concern with incorporating physical activity due to a challenging academic or personal schedule. 

C. Report Objectives

The purposes of this report are to:

  • Raise awareness of fitness challenges facing undergraduate students at UBC.
  • Provide insights into the benefits of increased physical activity for undergraduate students.
  • Provide feasible solutions to increase physical activity through various online mediums and practices that are adjustable for scheduling.

D. Methods

Primary research and data collection will be done through literature review of student-published news reports, academic articles assessing fitness and wellbeing of university students across North America, and chronicled interviews from discussions with undergraduate students at the University of British Columbia with collected insight from individuals with both high physical activity and low physical activity in their weekly schedule. 

Secondary sources will include surveying open source scholarly publications regarding the sociocultural landscape of the lower mainland with concentration on health culture and fitness. 

E. Formal Report Outline

Please find the formal report outline linked here

F. Research Plan:

To fully analyze the need for low barrier resources for students looking to increase their physical activity, I plan to:

  • Gather primary data sources
    • Record data collected by survey to supplement findings discovered in cross analysis of academic publications.
    • Gather evidence of health and wellbeing actions impacting undergraduate students in UBC using peer-reviewed publications from academic sources. 
  • Conduct secondary research on the repercussions of low physical activity and poor health for university students and its impact on academic performance.
    • Gather quantitative evidence of the impact of physical activity on undergraduate students.
  • Gather information on potential recommendations through public source media outlets 
    • Review cost-effective solutions on low barriers to participate or increase physical activity.
    • Review publications from student-facing newspaper Ubyssey addressing health and wellbeing concerns.

G. Writing Schedule:

The following is the updated writing schedule for the coming month after falling ill with COVID-19 and was hospitalized: 

  • October 29: Formal Report Outline and Progress Report for Formal Report
  • November 1st: Reach out to contacts via email to ask about participation via Google Form.
  • November 9th: Conduct primary research on secondary resources for fitness and wellbeing.
  • November 10th: Create initial report with research data
  • November 19th: Close Google Form for survey collection and begin data analysis
  • November 26th: Submit formal report draft
  • November 27th: Peer review formal report draft
  • November 27th: Peer review edits of formal report draft
  • December 3rd: Complete formal report final

Thank you for reviewing the progress of my formal report. Please note the bolded dates changed in progress report illustrated updated submission dates following illness and requesting extensions for submission. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or additional feedback for the progress of this report.

Please see the attached link for the survey questions:

One comment on “Assignment 2.3: Progress Report Memorandum
  1. erikapaterson says:

    November 1, 2021
    Hello Morgan,

    Thank you for posting your Progress Report. Please include an online survey and the interview questions you intend to ask; I need to approve these parts of the investigation. You can find a link to create a survey on the lesson page for the progress report.
    Thank you, and as usual please alert me with an email.

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