Formal Report Outline


    1. Background on the prevalence of food waste in healthcare facilities
    2. Consequences of food waste for the environment
    3. Consequences of food waste for food services departments
    4. Intended audience
    5. Purpose and significance
    6. Overview of methods for data collection


      1. Sources of food waste
        1. Overproduction
        2. Plate waste
        3. Poor inventory control
      2. Studies of current food waste reduction methods
        1. Food service managers survey
        2. Interview with Jessica Loyva
      3. Analysis of efficacy of certain food waste reduction methods
        1. Food service managers survey
        2. Interview with Jessica Loyva
        3. Analysis of past waste audits
        4. Review of current online research


  1. Summary and overall interpretation of findings
  2. Recommendations for reducing food waste at Mount Saint Joseph Hospital

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