Memorandum – Progress Report

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, Instructor ENGL 301 Technical Writing
From: Karen Okoyomon, Student ENGL 301 Technical Writing
Date: October 29, 2021
Subject: Formal Report Progress Report: Improving the wellbeing of UBC students


The following is a memo detailing the progress of my formal report for reducing anxiety and increasing the wellbeing of UBC students.

Purpose of report

The purpose of this report is to find methods to reduce student anxiety. This report also covers methods for improving overall student well-being through sleep and mental health.

Significance of report

This report is important because students are feeling more and more anxious each year, and sleep deprivation amongst young people is on the rise. This report aims to help those students who do not know where to go to improve their personal health and wellness.

Intended audience

Matt Dolf, Director at the UBC Wellness Office.

Report Objectives

  • Highlight the root causes of anxiety amongst students
  • Report on the average sleep of a university student
  • Cover the effects of sleep deprivation and find methods to help this issue
  • Find accessible resources for UBC students who suffer with anxiety


Primary data will be collected through a survey. Attached is the link to the survey questions being asked for this report:

Secondary sources will be retrieved through online websites and journal articles. Research will be done on the significance of sleep, as well as the mental and physical effects of stress and anxiety.

Formal report outline

Attached is a link for the formal report outline:

Research plan

In order to research, gather information, and provide proper solutions, I plan to:

  • Identify the root causes of student anxiety, and which populations are the most affected by this issue
  • Send out surveys to university students in various faculties to collect data on their stressors and sleep patterns
  • Schedule interviews with select students who are comfortable to gain a deep understanding on the issue
  • Consult secondary sources for scholar perspectives about stress, anxiety, and sleep deprivation
  • Research popular stress-reducing tactics and resources
  • Research the usage of nap pods and how this can be implemented in an institution like UBC
  • Research the effect that both anxiety and sleep deprivation have on academic performance

Writing Schedule

This is an outlook for my writing schedule for the upcoming weeks:

  • October 29: Complete Formal report outline
  • October 30: Send out survey to UBC students to collect primary data
  • November 2: Conduct interviews on the subject of sleep and anxiety with UBC students
  • November 4: Collect survey results and create visual representations of the data
  • November 6: Research on secondary sources
  • November 10: bring all research areas together to make an initial draft
  • November 16: Complete Formal report draft
  • November 19: Peer review formal report draft
  • November 22: Make edits to report from peer review
  • November 26: Complete Formal report

Thank you for taking the time for your review and professional insights that will help me improve on this report.

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