Progress Report for Increasing Student Participation in CWSA


To: Dr. Erika Paterson, Instructor ENGL 301 Technical Writing

From: Sidney Singh Student ENGL 301

Date: October 29th,2021

Subject: 301 Progress Report: Increasing student participation in the Creative Writing Student Association (CWSA).

Purpose and Significance of Report

The purpose of this report is to provide recommendations for increasing student participation in the Creative Writing Student Association, known as CWSA.

Intended Audience

Members of the CWSA Executive and Social Committee.

Report Objectives

The objectives of the report are:

  • To determine what factors may limit student participation in the CWSA
  • Highlight various opportunities available through CWSA
  • Provide recommendations on how to increase and maintain student engagement


Primary data collection via an online survey for the CWSA student body distributed through a secure UBC mailing list. An exclusive survey for the CWSA Executive and Social Committee will be privately shared through email.

Formal Report Outline

Enclosed is the Formal Report Outline.

Research Plan

After receiving approval from the CWSA Interim Director the two surveys will be distributed to the CWSA student body and the CWSA Executive and Social Committee. The survey data will greatly inform the formal report.

Writing Schedule

My writing schedule is outlined below.

October 30st _ Send out surveys for review by Interim Director DiGirolamo.

November 1st _ Revise Formal Report Proposal

November 3rd _ Send out Surveys

November 10th_ Begin writing draft of formal report. Use data provided from surveys.

November 17th_ Begin editing Formal Report Draft

November 28th _ Submit Formal Report to Interim Director

December 1st_ Send Formal Report among all members of the CWSA Executive and Social Committee.

The workload is appropriate as the two surveys will produce ample information to inform my recommendations. There is no cost involved in the report besides my labour. The CWSA Interim Director asked to review both the surveys and report before submitting them to wider student body. The links for the surveys are enclosed below. Feel free to advise on any aspect of this progress report.

CWSA Student Body Survey

CWSA Executive and Social Committee Survey


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