Assignment 3:1 – Memorandum to Evan Crisp


To: Evan Crisp 

From: Yifan Wang, ENGL 301 

Date: Nov 6, 2021 

Subject: Tips on Writing Professional Emails


Hello Evan,  

Thanks so much for reaching out! There is still a lot of room for improvement in terms of etiquettes in your email. Please find suggestions on writing professional emails below. 

Suggestions on writing professional emails: 

  • A good start would be to have a concise and informative title, as this would save the professors a lot of time, especially when they receive a lot of emails every day. For this email, it would be nice to include name, the course and section involved, and a brief description of situation, such as “Request to be registered in ENGL 100 Section 101 – Evan Crisp”. 
  • It is important to address the professors with appropriate title and name. This shows respect and sincerity. For example, “Dear Professor Lambert”. 
  • Including personal information pertaining the question would do professors a big favour, so they do not need to write back to ask about it. In this case, name and student number should suffice. 
  • Since this email is asking for accommodation, keeping an overall respectful tone is the key. Providing a more serious and reasonable explanation about why the early morning section does not work would be more convincing. 
  • It is a good idea to show appreciation in the end of the body, such as “Thank you so much for your time” or “Thank you in advance”, but do not use abbreviations, as they are hard to understand and informal. 
  • Last but not the least, concluding email with a proper sign off. For example, “Sincerely, Evan Crisp”. Again, this maintains a professional tone for your email. 

Hope these suggestions would help. Please do not hesitate to ask any question, and wish you all the best for the rest of your study! 

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