Memorandum to Evan Crisp



To:                   Evan Crisp, English 301 Student

From:              Samantha Lee, English 301 Student

Date:               November 7, 2021

Subject:           Best Practices for Requesting Admission for a Full Course


Below are best practices for writing an email to a professor, requesting to be added to a full course:


  • Providing a subject line that states the specific request will identify the email’s purpose and importance at the beginning
  • Addressing the professor by professional title and name in the salutation will give a good first impression
  • Providing necessary details on course eligibility will encourage a quick and well-informed decision
  • Emphasizing the professor’s benefits for fulfilling the request will improve the probability of course admission
  • Choosing positive statements over negative ones will give the impression of a confident, responsible and goal-oriented student
  • Maintaining a professional tone will encourage a positive response
  • Presenting information in a clear and concise manner will improve readability
  • Concluding with a formal closing and full name will end the email courteously and respectfully


Following these practices will improve your chance of course admission. Please contact me if you have any questions.

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