3:1 Memo to Evan Crisp



November 8th, 2021

To: Evan Crisp

From:  Adrianna Mroz, Eng 301 Student 

Subject: Tips for conducting an email with “You” attitude


Dear Evan,

Following your request for advice on how to proceed in constructing an email to a professor I have thought of the following tips which may help reform the request into a more appropriate response for a request:


  • Formate

Correct any excessive spaces, spelling and grammar issues. This gives the impression to the reader that care was taken in its construction and that the request is of a more serious nature to be met with equal serious consideration


  • Do not use abbreviations

The use of abbreviations may be confusing for the reader and do not give a professional impression. Instead, consider signing off with a more explicitly clear communication such as, “Thank you for your time” 


  • Rephrase as a request instead of demand 

The tone of the email is one that is focused on the writer instead of the reader, in order to write a successful email that will have a better chance of meeting a request the tone of the writing needs to appeal to the reader, emphasizing the focus on the other’s perspective. 


  • Express appreciation 

Detail expressed appreciation to the professor for taking the time to read and consider the request. Be aware that it is not the reader’s obligation to meet a demand thus appealing on the grounds of appreciation will further aid any further actions the reader may consider.


  • Emphasize what can be done 

Write in present tense avoiding the use of negative statements, for instance,  the words “ refuse” and “too early” should be omitted as they imply negativity and do not give a good impression


Hope this list helps construct a more professionally minded positive email that will be met with a reciprocal response.


Best of luck,




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