3:1 Writing With You Attitude Memo to Evan Crisp


To:             Evan Crisp, Student of ENGL301 Technical Writing
From:        Kitty Yan, Student of ENGL301 99A Technical Writing 2021W
Date:         November 8, 2021
Subject:    Suggestions for Best Practices in Writing Effective and Professional Emails

After reading your email to Professor Lambert, here is a list of suggestions as advice to writing more effective and professional emails.

A small list of suggestions for students to follow for more effective email writing:

  • Writing a subject line to briefly describe the issue at hand to avoid being categorized as spam by email providers
  • Sending emails with the university associated email account to signal the communication of a student (rather than a stranger)
  • Starting the message with the appropriate name and title of the professor being emailed (making sure that the professor knows he or she is the correct receiver of the email)
  • Referencing the particular class the professor is teaching with enrollment challenges (the name of the course and the section)
  • Keeping the message free of grammatical typos and errors which includes no acronyms outside of reference calls like Dr., Mr., Ms., or for courses and making sure there are no random text breaks in the middle of a sentence
  • Keeping the tone of the message professional and leaving out irrelevant personal details by describing the issue at hand with the request of enrollment into the class in a way that is respective to the sender and the receiver that does not include demanding a fix and specifying a deadline when the receiver is being asked for their support
  • Ending the message with a signature that consists of the sender’s name, title and potential ways to reach back

Writing to course instructors for placement into a fully enrolled course can be challenging and daunting, but writing an email with a professional and cordial attitude can increase the opportunities to receive a timely response back from an instructor, especially one with potential solutions.

Thank you for the request to give a list of suggestions, and may the advice given help you for any current or future enrollment challenges! If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me back at yanchorki@gmail.com.

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