Assignment 3:1 Memorandum on Best Practices when Writing an Academic Request


To: Evan Crisp, Prospective Student, <>

From: Tamara Oman, ENGL 301 Student, <>

Date: November 8, 2021

Subject: Best Practices when Writing an Academic Request


Please see 6 tips on writing effective, professional memos. When communicating to a professional audience, it is important to use proper structure, correct grammar and a courteous tone. Establishing a professional identity by using correct format is the first step in capturing your reader’s attention.  These recommendations use “YOU Attitude” and will help increase the chances of receiving an optimal response from Professor Lambert:

  1. There are several advantages when using a professional email such as the email supplied by the University of British Columbia, including establishing professional competency.  The account will also less likely be filtered as spam.
  2. A purposeful subject line will capture your reader’s attention and allow the message to be easily identifiable if your reader cannot reply instantly.
  3. Appropriate introduction including addressing the reader directly prior to your message is polite and contributes to the overall impression left behind.
  4. A courteous tone throughout is imperative when requesting an opportunity that goes beyond the norm.  Excluding negative, demanding or protesting topics will allow your message to have a positive impact on your reader.  Consider elaborating on the opportunities gained from taking this course and omitting references to wait times, inconveniences or unfair deadlines.
  5. Grammatically correct communication is a critical component when establishing academic competency.  Aim to use proper sentence structure and proper spelling for all words used including properly capitalizing starting words in sentences, and avoiding slang or abbreviations such as “ttfn” and “asap”.  Proof reading messages prior to sending will aid in strengthening sentence structure and error.
  6. Positive closing remarks will leave your reader an impactful final impression of your message such as concluding with an anticipation for the opportunity of a reply.  Consider excluding personal topics such as a trip to Mexico. Signing the message with your full name is another best practice when writing an academic request. 

Writing a request in an academic environment involves establishing a positive first impression, please consider using these best practices in your subsequent communication with Professor Lambert in an effort to secure a spot in the desired course section. If you require additional support please contact me at

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