Assignment 3.1: Complaint and Bad News Letter

Complaint Letter

Morgan Lorenz

820 Idylberry Road

San Rafael, CA 94903


Jonathan Doe

Attn: CVS Pharmacy

442 Las Gallinas Ave

San Rafael, CA 94903


Attention: CVS Pharmacy, Manager Jonathan Doe

Subject: Prescription Pickup Challenges


November 12, 2021


Dear CVS Pharmacy,


I hope this message finds you safe and in good health. I am writing in response to unsatisfactory services received earlier this week when picking up my prescription at your Terra Linda location.


On my half-hour lunch break on November 9th, I left home to pick up my prescription that I had ordered for pick up a week prior. I live about 7 minutes away from the pharmacy and was on a timeline to pick up the medicine. Earlier that morning, I had been told over the phone with a representative that all orders would be ready for pick up and I had made them aware of the challenging time window for pickup. However, when I got to the pharmacy location, I got up to the window with 10 minutes left before I could leave to get back for work on time and was told one prescription was not ready for pickup and I would be unable to pickup until all prescriptions were ready. This was a challenge to deal with as I was told to wait 10 minutes for the order to be prepared. After waiting, I was told I had to wait another 5 minutes for the order to be prepared by pharmacist. Considering I had been told over the phone by a representative at the pharmacy that the orders were ready for pickup and was prepared to easily obtain the medication due to time constraints, I wish I had been told ahead of time that a prescription was not ready so I could have arranged another time for pick up. Would it be possible to ask representatives to double check to see if all prescriptions are ready for pick up if calling in to confirm? It would be beneficial for patients with challenging work schedules by accommodating their time to pick up what could be life-saving medication. Please let me know your thoughts. Much appreciated and look forward to hearing from you!



Morgan Lorenz



Dear Morgan,


Our apologies for this inconvenience and challenging experience when picking up your prescription at our San Rafael location. We will be sure to check in with our call representatives and reiterate the importance of confirming prescription status when checking for customers. I will be sure to incorporate into our training protocol the importance of double-checking status for customers calling in to confirm pickup, as this currently is not mentioned but should be reiterated. I agree that it would be beneficial to have more solidified notice ahead of time in order to meet customer needs when they have challenging work schedules that do not align. Please see the attached notice I have shared with our greater Pharmacy team here in San Rafael. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if I can assist you with anything further.






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