Complaint & Bad News Letters

Letter #1: Letter of Complaint

702-5598 Ormidale St
Vancouver, BC V5R 0E5

November 12, 2021

Fresh Prep Food Inc.
188 Victoria Dr
Vancouver, BC V5L 4C3

Attention: Fresh Prep Customer Support Team
Subject: Missing Items in Meal Kit

Dear Fresh Prep Customer Support Team,

I have been a Fresh Prep customer receiving 2 or 3 meals a week for over one year now and have always been happy with the quality of service. My most recent meal kit delivery, however, was disappointing.

The bag containing 2 meals was delivered to my door on November 3, 2021. Both meals were stored in the fridge, which was at the correct temperature of 4C, immediately after receiving the delivery. The following day, upon opening Coconut & Tofu Squash Laksa, I realized 2 ingredients were missing: the sliced onion and the cilantro. I was forced to use my own ingredients on hand to make up for these missing items.

Upon opening the second meal kit from this delivery, Miso Glazed Steelhead, on November 5th, the green leaf lettuce head was wilted, brown, and rotten. Without a substitute on hand, I had to make the recipe without this ingredient. The meal kits clearly state to use within 4 days of delivery, and this meal was opened within this window. I have also attached a photo of the lettuce in question.

I would like to receive a refund on both meal kits. Please let me know if there is any other information you need.


Zoe Maika

Enclosure: Photo of lettuce


Letter #2: Bad News Letter

Hala Kamaliddin, Customer Success Specialist
Fresh Prep Food Inc.
188 Victoria Dr
Vancouver, BC V5L 4C3

November 12, 2021

Zoe Maika
702-5598 Ormidale St
Vancouver, BC V5R 0E5

Dear Ms. Maika,

Thank you for bringing these issues to our attention. Fresh Prep strives to provide fresh, quality ingredients to every customer and what you have described does not align with our values. We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

While we cannot offer you a full refund due to company policy, a $50 credit has been applied to your account to cover the cost of your next 2 meals. This incident has been shared with the Quality Assurance and Packaging Teams to ensure this doesn’t happen again.

Your feedback is valued greatly and we thank you for being a loyal Fresh Prep customer. Please do not hesitate to contact us with further questions.


Hala Kamaliddin
Customer Success Specialist

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