Letters of Complaint & Bad News

Karissa Garneau

479 Bank St

Ottawa, ON


November 10, 2021


Stephanie Willow – Manager

Red Lobster Seafood Restaurants

1499 St. Laurent Blvd

Ottawa, ON


Subject: Our night at Red Lobster


Dear Mrs. Willow,


Last Friday my partner and I received exceptional service at Red Lobster and enjoyed the best meal either of us have ever had. My steak was cooked to perfection, and all of our sides and oysters were delicious. My partner received a mountain of the most delectable king crab he’d ever laid his eyes on! Our server was personable and took excellent care of us. My only complaint is that the meal ended up coming to a total of over $400, about $480 with tip, due mostly to the order of king crab covering a whopping $210 of the bill. When my partner had ordered the crab, the server stated that he would surprise him with the price, as the menu only says market price. My partner and I both laughed it off, the meal was my treat, but nevertheless neither of us expected the crab to cost much more than $100. We didn’t expect the mountain of crab he received though, either! I was very shocked upon receiving the bill, and my card was actually declined due to tap limit, so my partner ended up covering it for me. While I enjoyed my time in your establishment, I wanted you to be aware that we weren’t happy to be surprised with that amount on our bill. We do hope to someday return to Maestro SVP and thank you once again for the excellent meal & service.




Kgarneau RDH


Karissa Garneau


Enclosure: Red Lobster Receipt Nov 5th, 2021



Stephanie Willow

Manager of Red Lobster Seafood St. Laurent

1499 St. Laurent Blvd

Ottawa, ON


November 12, 2021


Karissa Garneau

479 Bank St

Ottawa, ON


Subject: Re: Our night at Red Lobster


Dear Mrs. Garneau,


Thank you for taking the time to reach out to me. When we go out to eat, we expect to pay a reasonable amount for our meal and not be subjected to unplanned costs. I’m sorry to hear about the negative experience you had dinning in our establishment. The company does not take complaints such as this lightly and neither do I.

Our company is committed to providing our patrons with an atmosphere of sophistication and elegance during their dinning experience. Some of these patrons prefer to not see price figures next to items on the menu. For formal events, we hand out special menus that do not include any fees at all. You may already be aware that it is a common practice to list crab legs on menus as “Market Price” as the price it can be purchased from our vendors changes day by day. It so happens that lately the prices have skyrocketed.

It is unfortunate that you were charged such a high price for your meal with us. We have updated our menus to include a price window for crab legs and had discussions with our staff about being more proactive with offering the price to customers – especially those who’ve made it clear it is their first visit to our restaurant. We do hope you’ll return to us soon and would be happy to offer you a 15% discount on your meal. I am certain you will have an excellent dinning experience and be once again impressed by the food and service.


Warm regards,


Stephanie W


Stephanie Willow


Enclosure: Voucher for 15% off meal at Red Lobster

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