Peer Review of Karen Okoyomon’s Formal Report Draft



To: Karen Okoyomon, ENGL 301 Student
From: Daniel Tsui, ENGL 301 Student
Date: November 19, 2021
Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Draft

Initial Impressions

  • The overall formal report draft is well written and detailed
  • It contains the necessary details in the front page, and a table of contents
  • Works cited and appendix sections are present and ordered correctly


  • Introduction clearly highlights the issue presented
  • Inclusion of statistics in the introduction shows the scope of the issue
  • I believe that the A section is incomplete as the sentence at the end does not finish
  • Double spacing should be consistent, C section is double the spacing of all the others

Data Section

  • Highlights that test anxiety is a real problem and what may be the triggers of it
  • Appropriately uses citation from Oxford Learning
  • Figures presented are clear and legends are labeled
  • Inclusion of actual percentages in the pie charts are very helpful
  • Some page formatting could be used to make it easier to read by the reader
  • Using actual interview from a student at UBC is a good data source, paired with survey questions are very helpful to understand the impacts
  • Labels for the figures should be capitalized for better understanding


  • Summary recaps back the issues stated and the findings
  • Recommendations are present but incomplete

End Matter

  • Although not required, it is best to turn links into hyperlinks for easy access to the sources by the reader

Structure & Organization

  • This report is well organized and has appropriate sections for ease of reading to the reader
  • Each big heading is appropriately labeled, and its content is relevant within the headings

Final Thoughts

  • This formal report draft is well written and detailed albeit missing some sentences
  • Generally, minor edits are required, and some sentences need to be finished
  • Final formal report should be ready to be presented once suggestions have been fixed


I enjoyed reading through your formal report. Thanks for taking the time to organize as well as highlighting the importance of student wellbeing. Should you have any questions, please message me!


All the best,

Daniel Tsui

301 Karen Okoyomon Report Rough Draft


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