4:1 – Formal Report Submission


There are a variety of Mental Health Resources in Surrey that can help those in need of those services. However, many obstacles can deter these individuals from seeking out support. Some examples include lack of culture-specific resources, feeling overwhelmed with the information available, and lack of affordable alternatives. The purpose of this report is to investigate the perceived interest in a service that can help streamline finding these services in Surrey.

To investigate this, we surveyed 12 individuals who lived in Surrey. Most of the respondents had some idea of resources available in their area (81%), but a majority were not aware of the culture-specific resources (83%) at their disposal as well. When asked if they would use a centralized service such as this one, (83%) of respondents were at least somewhat interested in using it. Additionally, when analyzing some of the secondary research available, it seems that these findings are supported as well. It shows that for the year 2018, there is a higher proportion of individuals with unmet needs (51%) in BC compared to the national average.

Some recommendations for Dr. Victoria Lee and the Board of Directors would be to seek experts and stakeholders in this industry to further explore this potential solution.

Enclosure: ENGL301 – Formal Report – Dave Borrel

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