Assignment 4:2 Application Package

To:                   Dr. Erika Paterson, Technical Writing 301 Instructor

From:              Cathy Liu, Technical Writing 301 Student

Date:               December 3rd, 2021

Subject:          Application Package – Software Engineer Intern Position at Change HealthCare


I have attached the Application Package for a software engineer intern position at CHC with the following documents:

  • job advertisement instructions, with the MLA citation of the ad source
  • one-page cover letter addressed to Change HealthCare
  • online and PDF version of an updated resume
  • three requests for references

Thank you for your time. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


Job Advertisement: UBC_Science Co-op_ChangeHealth

Cover Letter: CovLet_CathyLiu_CHC

Resume (pdf): Resume_CathyLiu_2021_1page

Resume (online):

Reference requests: ReferenceEmailRequest

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