An Example of an excellent Reflection Blog

Unit Three Reflections:

The formal report draft assignment teaches the importance of organization, which is pivotal when writing a formal report. It is important to identify a number of elements prior to beginning the formal report and proceed in an organized manner. These elements include a problem and an audience, a solution, a scope outlining questions for the investigation and analysis, a research method for gathering sources, a research plan (ENGL 301). Having elements listed in advance allows for an optimal and efficient approach to writing the formal report, including the formal report draft.

 A list of required elements outlined in advance also helps ensure meeting the requirements as it operates as a guide and allows for a focused approach. In addition to the importance of outlining the elements of the formal report, it is important to identify the approach of choice prior to beginning the formal report (ENGL 301). One lesson gained is that identifying all elements in advance optimizes the outcome of the formal report draft. 

       Another lesson learned in Unit Three is that a formal report outline is helpful and plays a pivotal role in creating a formal report draft (ENGL 301). For one, the formal report outline can be a source of reference when organizing the formal report draft, including when creating headings and subheadings. The formal report outline also highlights the topics and information that are going to appear in the formal report draft. Thereby, a lesson gained is that identifying all elements and all topics in advance is highly helpful to the process of organizing and writing the formal report draft. The formal report draft assignment also teaches the importance of scheduling and creating a writing schedule (ENGL 301).

       Scheduling plays a pivotal role in conducting primary research for the formal report draft, including gathering the data of the surveys and interviews. Scheduling in advance with participants, respondents, and interviewees. During the scheduling process ensuring the scheduling of times that are convenient for participants is essential. This is especially true for interviews, including phone interviews. Ample time needs to be provided to complete the survey, and the administration of surveys needs to occur well  in advance. Interviews with participants need to be scheduled ahead of time at times that are convenient for participants.

        The search for participants also requires scheduling. It is important to begin the search for participants as early as possible to maximize the number of participants. Thereby, creating a writing schedule and scheduling ahead of time can lead to optimal outcomes for the formal report, including the formal report draft. A subsequent lesson gained from writing the formal report draft is that the application of specific concepts can optimize the text and outcome of the formal report. Concepts include applying a positive tone and rephrasing negative statements as positive, , applying a you attitude by, for example, refraining from the use of imperative verbs and commands, refraining from writing in the past tense, and opting to write in the present tense (ENGL 301).

        The peer review of the formal report draft assignment teaches the importance of organization. My peer’s application of bold font to display headings contributed to the organization of their formal report draft. One lesson learned from the task of reviewing a peer’s formal report draft is that details are of utmost importance. For one, details such as font type, font size, and spacing contribute to the organization of the formal report draft (ENGL 301). Moreover, attention to detail is important when reviewing a peer’s formal report.

       Attention to detail allows for the creation of an optimal list of suggestions for revision. Attention to detail allows one to discern if requirements are met and discern suggestions for improvement. Attention to detail is also important when writing a review of a peer’s formal report draft. For example, instead of solely stating that a problem is present in the review, one could detail the specific problem conveyed by the peer in their formal report draft. Moreover, attention to tone, including opting for a positive tone, refraining from applying a negative tone, and applying a you attitude, such as removing imperative verbs and commands, all contribute to the construction of an optimal peer review of a formal report draft by helping establish a friendly and professional tone (ENGL 301).

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