Peer Review of Definitions of “Riparian”


To: Coco Chen, ENGL 301 Student

From: Daniel Tsui, ENGL 301 Student

Date: October 5, 2021

Subject: Peer Review for Definitions of Riparian


I enjoyed reading your definition of Riparian for your assignment.  Although I must admit that I do not have the most experience or knowledge of our natural environment, I found your definitions interesting and informative.  With that in mind, I’d like to list out some suggestions for you to further improve on your definition!


Grammar:  I found some slight errors in your grammar.  I suggest revising the subsection headers in the expanded definition section to more general terms such as “1. Where is Riparian” to “1. Location of Riparian”, “2. Its Constituent Components” to “2. Characteristics of Riparian” and “3. Its EcoFunctions” to “3. Riparian Features”. I would also suggest capitalizing your sentence for the parenthetical definition and avoid starting sentences with “because”.


Detailedness:  Your expanded definition contained lots of useful information, however, as a non-technical reader in natural environments, I had trouble identifying where the alluvial aquifer, subduction zones were in (Fig. 3).  Perhaps a short explanation of each and/or placing labels on (Fig. 3) would help with understanding where the terms belong.


Conciseness: I found your definitions to be concise for the most part. The clarity of the expanded definitions could be improved a little in my opinion. It would be helpful to change some sentence such as “The figure below…” to “Fig. number” to allow the reader to easily locate which figure you are referring to.


Criteria: I believe that this definition of Riparian meets all the basic requirements, containing three different definitions of the same word at different levels of understanding and adequate list of sources used. Although not necessary, I would suggest turning the links into hyperlinks (blue links) in the references to make source checking easier for the reader.


I hope I have provided you valuable suggestions for your upcoming assignment in the revision of this definition.  I believe that what you have already is great and that minor fixes should make this definition assignment an even better one. Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions!


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