Email Memorandum

To: Dr. Erika Paterson

From: Karen Okoyomon

Date: October 15, 2021

Subject: Submitted Proposal for Eliminating must-pass-final course requirement


Dear Dr. Paterson,

I have completed the 2.1 research proposal assignment and posted the proposal to the Empirical Pen team forum. There is a link to said proposal is attached at the bottom of this post.

Here is a summary of the main points in my research proposal:

  • Introduced the topic of the proposal, which is the stress imposed from must-pass-final courses, and discussed the gravity of the problem
  • Discussed removing this requirement as the solution to this problem
  • Explained methods to collect primary source data from students about their opinions
  • Stated my qualifications and conclusion

Thank you for taking the time to read my proposal. Contact email:

Link to proposal:


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