MEMO: 10 Best Practices for Growing your LinkedIn Network


To: HKTZ Technical Writing Group, Students of ENGL301

From: Tamara Oman, ENGL301 Student

Date: October 22, 2021

Subject: 10 Best Practices of Growing your Professional Social Media Account on LinkedIn


LinkedIn can be used as a powerhouse for professional expansion when using the right techniques, following is a list of 10 tips when creating an online profile.


  1. Telling a Story and Showcasing a Personal Brand. Thinking about who you are and what sets you apart is a useful tool when composing an online profile.  LinkedIn has the advantage over a resume of having more room to showcase your wide range of skills and experiences which allows users to grow chances at a connection. (Borsellino)
  2. Professional Headshot.  A profile photo is the first thing others will see when they review your page. To increase the chances of a positive first impression, consider using a professional headshot. (LinkedIn)
  3. Completed Profile Page. Pages with complete information get 30% more weekly views! (LinkedIn)
  4. Keywords and Buzzwords.  Consider using the ideal keywords anywhere they flow smoothly and make sense.  Aim to avoid using “buzzwords”, which are used on many profiles but do not mean anything by themselves, some examples include motivated, or hardworking. (Borsellino)


  1. Active User.  In order to increase followers and connections, consider the active use of the account, connections can be lost when accounts are abandoned. (Borsellino)
  2. Requesting Logical Connections.  Consider reaching out not only to users you already know, but also professionals who may be able to help you grow in your industry. (Borsellino)
  3. LinkedIn Groups.  Groups are a serious pool of networking connections.  Consider engaging in your field by promoting yourself and learning from others in groups. (Borsellino)


  1. Industry Trends and How-tos Content. Expertise is being promoting in all media posts. Customizing posts to the targets you want to speak to increases the change of captivating the desired attention. (Lua)
  2. Optimal Posting Time.  Consider using data that analyzes the best view time in order to reach a maximal amount of viewers for each of your posts. (Lua)
  3. Commit to Growing Followers.  Investing in boosting posts helps reach more people. Once a page gains 150 followers, the opportunity for growth is exponential.  (LinkedIn)

Hopefully applying these best practices will help you develop strong LinkedIn connections.  If you have any questions, please email me at


Borsellino, Regina (2021). “The 31 Best LinkedIn Profile Tips for Job Seekers.” themuse.

“LinkedIn Pages Best Practices (2021).” LinkedIn Marketing Solutions”. LinkedIn Corporation

Lua, Alfred (2020). “The Quick Guide to LinkedIn Marketing: 9 Best Practices.” Buffer Library.

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