Memo – 10 LinkedIn Best Practices

To: Team Capybara, ENGL301 Writing Team

From: Cathy Liu, ENGL301 Students

Date: October 22nd, 2021

Subject: LinkedIn Best Practices


As requested for this week’s assignment, below are ten practices for using LinkedIn as a professional networking site.

  1. Maintain a good LinkedIn etiquette is important. Always double check whether the content is professional and appropriate for workplace before posting  (“LinkedIn etiquette and best practices [20 do’s and don’ts]”).
  2. When adding someone to your network, always send a welcome message. This will help with building real connections rather than just adding people to your network (“LinkedIn etiquette and best practices [20 do’s and don’ts]”).
  3. Check who has been viewing your profile to get more insight on people or companies who has shown interest in you (“LinkedIn etiquette and best practices [20 do’s and don’ts]”).
  4. Make sure your profile is not just about your work and education history. Having an about section to tell your story and elaborate on your skill sets, personality, and what value you can bring (Deehan).
  5. Your headline should be attention grabbing, concise, and relevant to your target audience (Deehan).
  6. Join a LinkedIn group if you are interested in connecting with people from a particular field of expertise (“LinkedIn etiquette and best practices [20 do’s and don’ts]”).
  7. List your skills under Skills & endorsements. This will help LinkedIn match you with relevant job openings. In addition, you will likely to be more credible if colleagues and friends endorse those skills (Deehan).
  8. Sharing and linking a post is great, but you can start a conversation and connection by adding comments to your shares (Deehan).
  9. Following relevant influencers in your domain helps LinkedIn feed you with relevant and wide range of contents, as well as demonstrating your passion to your field (Deehan).
  10. Take a skills assessment and you will receive Verified Skills badge on your profile. Data shows that candidates with the badge are more likely to get hired (Deehan).

In conclusion, the above ten practices will help with improving LinkedIn profile and making meaningful connections. Please reach out if you have any questions.


Works Cited

Deehan, Jane. “20 Steps to a Better Linkedin Profile in 2020.” LinkedIn, 20 Feb. 2020,

LinkedIn etiquette and best practices [20 do’s and don’ts]. Top Dog Social Media. 20 Apr. 2021,

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