Assignment 2:2 – Memorandum Concerning LinkedIn Best Practices



To: Morgan Lorenz, Danisa Rambing, and Johnathan Tam, Team Members of Twirling Gold ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC
From: Jordan Zhao, Student ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC
Date: October 22, 2021
Subject: LinkedIn Best Practices


Social networking is a critical aspect of staying connected with former colleagues and also making new connections in a field of interest. Please find the following research concerning 10 best practices for professional networking when using the platform LinkedIn as part of Assignment 2:2.

The following are findings to consider or incorporate when using LinkedIn:

  • Keep an up-to-date and complete profile that includes recent experience, resume, and references which allows you to be discovered for new positions.
  • Use a professional headshot to give a positive first impression. According to LinkedIn, profiles with portrait photos are 14 times more likely to be viewed.
  • Make meaningful connections while taking opportunities to reach out to individuals with mutual connections and build on common interests.
  • Involve and affiliate yourself as part of groups, brands, and individuals to demonstrate an interest in a particular field or company.
  • Avoid writing a profile that is all about you, instead, write directly to your desired target market in order to display that you would be a good match.
  • Leverage social proof with the use of written endorsements in the skills and recommendations section provided to establish confidence in your field of expertise.
  • Stay positive and professional as LinkedIn is a professional site that should reflect what you want other professionals to see.
  • Personalize your messages and requests when contacting individuals which provides the best chance of getting a response.
  • Optimize your profile using important keywords to market your profile through search engines.
  • Be moderately active to establish yourself on the platform by engaging with others and staying up to date with content.


LinkedIn is an effective tool as it allows individuals to discover job openings, build interests, and showcase employable skills to potential employers. I hope these findings bring you success.

Please let me know if you require any additional information.


Works Cited


“How to Use LinkedIn for Professional Development & Networking.”, 17 Nov. 2020,

Lannon, John M., and Laura J. Gurak. Technical Communication, MLA Update. Pearson College, 2017.

“LinkedIn Best Practices for Networking Success.” Social Hire,

“LinkedIn Etiquette and Best Practices [20 Do’s and Don’ts].” Top Dog Social Media, 20 Apr. 2021,

Schaffer, Neal. “21 Linkedin Best Practices for Business Professionals to Follow for Success.” Social Media & Influencer Marketing Speaker, Consultant & Author, 5 Sept. 2021,

“TIPS for Successful Networking on Linkedin.”,

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