3.1 Complaint Letter & Bad News Adjustment Letter

Letter 1:

Darius Zhang

3086 University Avenue, Vancouver CA, V8S 0K7

Emal: Dariuszhang@gmail.com

November 12,2021

Nodstrom Pacfic Center

799 Robston St, Vancouver, BC V7Y 0A2

Attention: Consumer Affairs Department

Subject: Rude phone service

Your company has established a reputation as a reliable high-end deparment store. I have been a loyal customer for the past three years, but a recent episode has left me stunned and disappointed.

Last Thursday, I ordered a business suit and made arrangement with the tailorshop to pick up the suit this Monday. Due to my own schedule conflict, I asked my friend to pick it up for me, but I was the one who phoned customer service and told them what suit my friend will be picking up. There’s a parking place for pick up outside Nordstrom Building, and my friend waited there. When the customer service staff asked me what kind of car she should be looking for at that parking place, I told her it is a white BMW. Then she asked me for the car’s license plate number, I replied that I don’t know and I will have to ask. Before I hung up the phone and call my friend for the number, I heard the staff saying: “Can you believe it? He doesn’t know the license plate number of his car. So funny.” Although this is not a racist or discriminative comment, the tone is unpleasant and rude.

I would appreciate having an explanation from your company about this matter. It is truly an undesireable shopping experience that I did not expect.

Yours truly,

Darius Zhang.


Letter #2

Nodstrom Pacfic Center

799 Robston St, Vancouver, BC V7Y 0A2

Fax (289) 982-2160 Phone :(604) 699-2100 Emails YVR@nordstrom.com

Novemember 12, 2021

Mr. Zhang

3086 University Avenue, Vancouver CA, V8S 0K7

Emal: Dariuszhang@gmail.com

Subject: Re: Rude phone service

Dear Mr. Zhang,

Thank you for reaching the customer affairs department, and we are very sorry to hear that our staff has caused your furstration. We have made in contact with the staff who helped you on Monday, and she has confirmed what you said in the email. We wish you to know that our company has zero tolerance policy for rude attitude toward customers, and we have suspened the staff from her duties for one month.

In appreciation for your loyalty to our company, we have enclosed a $100 gift certificate as our apologies. You can apply it toward your next order.


Melody Li.

Manager of Customer Affairs Department.

Encl. Gift Certificate


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