Formal Report Draft for Glacier Greens Farms

The marketing research and packaging comparative analysis report draft is ready for review. A summary of the recommendations based on this study are as follows:

  • The participants prefer the top six vegetables: lettuce, kale, spinach, basil, bok choy and arugula.
  • Each participant is estimated to consume 2 pounds of salad greens per week.
  • The age categories willing to pay more for locally grown produce are 40-49, 50-59 and

    60 and above.

  • Disposable produce bags and t-shirt bags are the most affordable packaging options. Encouraging customers to bring their own reusable bags is recommended.

Here is the link of the Marketing Research and Packaging Analysis for Glacier Greens Farms.

For any question, please send me an email at

Thank you.

Enclosure: EmailedFormalReportDraft_LASalamanca


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