Peer Review of Samantha Lee’s Formal Report Draft

To: Samantha Lee, Technical Writing 301 Student

From: Cathy Liu, Technical Writing 301 Student

Date: November 19, 2021

Subject: Peer Review for Formal Report Draft


Overall Impression

The formal report draft, “Feasibility Analysis of Improving Onboarding for New Tech Hires at Article” is organized, concise, and a pleasure to read. Below are some suggestions for improvement.

Title Page and Table of Contents

  • The title page is clean and contains all the requested information.
  • Table of Contents is well formatted and gives a detailed breakdown of the report.


  • The introduction gives sufficient and concise background information on the current onboarding experience at Article and how COVID has affected the process.
  • It then gives a natural transition onto the problem statement.
  • Provide the breakdown of main topics investigated in the report

Data Section

  • The data section is informative and organized.
  • The general onboarding activities section is very detailed and breaks down activities from the first day of work to the end of first month, followed by a analysis of advantage and disadvantage.
  • The tech onboarding activities are well explained such that people from non-technical background can easily understand.
  • The illustration provides informative analysis and perspective on pros and cons of technical onboarding activities.
  • The last section provided details for possible solutions and its cost analysis.

Conclusion & Recommendation

  • The conclusion summarize the findings well.
  • The recommendations listed are easy to read.


  • The most informative part is the tech onboarding activities of the data section.
  • The report analyzed the pros and cons of both general onboarding activities and tech onboarding activities
  • The report logically laid out with problems and solutions discussed in an organize progression


  • The draft is correctly paginated and has effective heads and sub headings.
  • Creating subheadings that separates general onboarding activities and technical onboarding activities can improve the overall readability of the data section.


  • The overall tone is professional and positive
  • Figure 5 and Figure 6, followed by Tech onboarding weakness, are analysis of how organized and efficient the onboarding process is. However, this does not fall into the tech onboarding analysis. This section can either have its own subtitle such as “overall rating” or be placed in the general on boarding section. I believe this will reduce confusion.


  • All graphics are well-designed, correctly and effectively labeled, and effectively integrated into the content
  • The report draft is reader-friendly and graphs are visual-appealing.
  • can utilize the word template for a more visual appealing title page.


Overall the draft is very organized and easy to follow. The content provides thorough analysis on the problem of onboardng experience at Article and listed convincing solutions and its costs analysis. With the following small changes, the report will be clearer:

  • design a more visual appealing title page to attract readers
  • add subheadings that separates general onboarding activities and technical onboarding activities can improve the overall readability of the data section
  • rearrange the placement of figure 5 and figure 6 and its corresponding content will reduce confusion

I hope the peer review is helpful and please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

301 Samantha Lee Formal Report Draft

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