Peer Review of Karissa’s Formal Report Draft

To: Karissa Garneau, ENGL 301 Student
From: Helene Tran, ENGL 301 Student
Date: November 19, 2021
Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Draft

  Initial Impressions

  • The report is informative and easy to follow
  • The writing is clear, and sections connect well throughout the paper
  • The use of figures and an organized format help the reader to better understand the information
  • The topic of the report and the importance of reducing waste at the dental office is immediately known

Title Page and Table of Contents

  • The title page looks professional and organized, and contains all the necessary information
  • The table of contents contains headings and subheadings that correspond to the body of the paper with correct page number labelling


  • Clearly explains how dental offices are a significant contributor to environmental waste
  • Details the proposal of implementing an environmental action plan
  • Writing is professional and persuasive
  • Perhaps the introduction could use a subheading for the proposal of the environmental action plan and data collection implemented

Report, Data, and Analysis

  • Outlines the current practices at Tooth Gallery
  • Explains how data collected shows that many staff at Tooth Gallery are not aware or do not know how to implement environmentally friendly practices at the office
  • Use of subheadings makes the content clear and organized
  • Figures help the reader to understand the data better
  • Making references or explaining the figures in the body of the text would make the information more cohesive
  • Explores options for reusable alternatives to single-use products and ways to limit waste
  • Fig 2 was informative; however, it was a little confusing – should there be three pie graphs (since willingness, training, and use of green implementations independent of each other)?

Conclusion and Recommendations

  • Clearly outlines the issues covered in the report
  • List of recommendations align with the analysis and are presented in an organized list
  • Works cited list references all sources and uses proper MLA format
  • Consider adding the Appendix after the Works Cited page

Grammar & Spelling

  • Overall, there are minimal grammatical errors/spelling mistakes throughout the report
  • The running head should be “Improving” rather than “Impoving”
  • In the abstract, “Often business implement…” should be “Often businesses implement…”

Final Thoughts

  • The formal report draft is clear, well-structured, and organized
  • After reading the report, it is evident that dental offices produce a large ecological footprint and more sustainable choices can be made to reduce environmental waste

I hope my suggestions were helpful and if you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me at


Karissa Garneau’s Formal Report Draft

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