Instructor’s Blog


Instructor’s Blog

Hello, and welcome to my Blog. Below this post you will see previous posts from last semester’s class. This is the first Blog for our class.

Organizing Peer Reviews: An example

By erikapaterson on October 6, 2021 @12:01 pm

Organizing Peer Reviews: Peer reviews should be organized with subheadings and bullet points Sub-headings should include each and every element of the document under review as well as general elements First Impressions is a good subheading to begin a review

Writing tips: Editing for concisness

By erikapaterson on October 4, 2021 @10:14 am

Editing for conciseness: If possible, avoid two and three verbs in a row. The goal is to aim for as concise and precise language as possible. For Example: “Over the past two years, I have held the role of business development in

Emails to Writing team partners

By erikapaterson on September 23, 2021 @11:39 am

Thursday Sept 23 Hello 301; For tomorrow’s assignment, you need to post three emails on your Blog. If you have been invited into a writing team, you can post the emails you send to accept that invitation. Otherwise you will

Unit One: writing tips

By erikapaterson on September 21, 2021 @3:22 pm

Hello English 301, Good Monday Sept. 20/21 As we work our way through this course, I will post writing tips and examples from your assignments. This, the first writing tip, is the most important because learning how to “avoid pronouns”

Welcome English 301 Sept 2021

By erikapaterson on September 7, 2021 @1:21 pm

Welcome English 301 Hello everyone. I am pleased to be beginning a new semester of English 301. I designed this course as an online course in 2014 and have been teaching all my courses online since that time. I am


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