Instructor’s Blog


Instructor’s Blog

Hello, and welcome to my Blog. Below this post you will see previous posts from last semester’s class. This is the first Blog for our class.

Formal Report Proposals and Peer Review

By erikapaterson on June 18, 2018 @1:16 am

  Everything you write and every single word you choose is for your reader. I have an important note that most of you are clear about – but I am sure some are still a little fuzzy: You need to have

Example of a Peer review

By erikapaterson on June 11, 2018 @11:08 am

Good Monday 301, Here is an example of an excellent peer review from Unit One Subject:  Peer Review of Technical Definitions Assignment – Algorithm Thank you for submitting your Unit 1.3 assignment on technical definitions. You have clearly outlined the

Peer Review Example

By erikapaterson on June 6, 2018 @5:25 pm

Peer Review / Term: Genetic Engineering Thank you for submitting your definition assignment for lesson 1:3.  Please see my review of the document below, I have enjoyed reading your assignment and have made some suggestions for improvements, which I hope

Details, details, details …..

By erikapaterson on May 29, 2018 @11:16 am

One of the tricks of technical writing is to avoid generalities and provide details – as concisely as possible. Here are a few examples to learn this trick: Example: “The target population of your proposed survey is relevant and appropriate.”

Unit One Writing Tips

By erikapaterson on May 28, 2018 @6:11 am

Focus on Conciseness Here is a good tip for eliminating words and writing concisely: Edit out pro-nouns For example: I have written to my teammates and now have a small team for our assignment. The application letter mentioned my strengths,


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