Application Package Peer Review

Hello 301;

I am spending the week reading through Unit Four assignments: Peer review and Application Packages. Here is an excellent example of a Peer Review for a draft application package that sets a standard:

Name of the Reviewer:

Author’s Name:

Title: Application Package Rough Draft

Initial Impression

Hello xxx:

Thank you for sharing your application package rough draft. I am impressed by the level of thought and detail you have put into your package. You present a clear summary of your qualifications conveying enthusiasm and demonstrating the required elements of the assignment. One thing to consider when writing letters, whether they are cover letter or letters requesting reference, is to be sure to write with a you-attitude and focus on the needs and interests of your reader.

Advertisement of Position

Although the advertisement for the position is included, it is somewhat blurry and difficult to read. The details are quite vague, and this could create a challenge when tailoring your application package to the needs of this company. When sharing an ad for a job position, the ad should be accompanied by MLA documentation showing the source of the ad.

Cover Letter


Standard parts of a letter include the recipient’s inside address line. If this information is not supplied to you, visiting the company website is helpful. Although a salutation is included in your cover letter, when possible, address the letter to the specific person likely in charge of hiring. Similarly, although a subject line is included, consider making it more specific. For example “Application for Geophysics Future Opportunities – 6142.”


Introductions are generally five lines or fewer. Providing only the most relevant information in a concise way will help you stay within this guideline. If possible, introductions name the position and where you saw it advertised.


The body of your letter conveys enthusiasm and highlights your qualifications, without merely repeating your resume. You convey why your interests in this particular company/position and support your claims with evidence. As the ad qualifications request 5+ years of experience, consider directly addressing how your education and experience compensate for this.


The conclusion is to the point and provides contact email and phone number, however it does not suggest a time you can be reached. This information is helpful to the reader.


There is no mention of an enclosure in the cover letter. Generally a resume is included, and this should be identified after the signature block. Stating the name and number of enclosures allows the reader to be confident all information is received.


The overall tone is professional and friendly; however I encourage you to incorporate writing with a you-attitude. For example, you-writing avoids starting with “I” and focuses on benefits to the reader, while considering their point of view. Additionally, try to stay in present tense, use an active voice and action verbs when possible. This helps reduce the overall length of the cover letter, which is currently just over two pages which the recommended length is a single page.


Your resume clearly conveys your strongest qualifications, skills, and experience. Information follows the appropriate sequence for a reverse chronological resume and the formatting creates an easy to understand and visually appealing document. Although your resume is not over two pages, the length could be reduced as some of the content is not specifically relevant to this company’s needs.

Contact information

There is currently no contact information included. Consider including an email address and telephone number with your name.

Career Objectives

Career objectives are not listed. Tailoring objectives to the specific job shows your suitability for the position. Objectives should be specific and state immediate and long-range goals, including any plans for continuing education.


 Education and Academic Status are both included. As these are quite similar, it might be appropriate to remove one. Including information about class rank or grade point average, as well as listing courses which have directly prepared you for the job may strengthen this section.

Work Experience

As not all of your experience relates to the position you are applying for, I would consider moving “Education” above “Work Experience.”   Employers’ names, dates of employment and exact duties for each job are included; however you may also want to indicate whether positions were full-time, part-time or seasonal. I also encourage you to directly relate any included work experience to the position you are applying for. For example, at Earls you “worked at a fast pace with high accountability and exercised computer, math, and problem solving skills.” These attributes are likely applicable to the position at Canadian Natural Resources Limited. However, applicability of the skills obtained at Trend Research Inc. and Caledonia Stables is less apparent and may provide little use to the reader.

Personal data and interests

Although providing personal interests is a nice touch, listing awards, skills, activities, and interests related to the position you are applying for is more relevant and provides a more useful background summary. Explaining any awards you received helps the reader understand their significance. For example, it is not clear why you were awarded the Alexander Rutherford Scholarship.


There is currently no mention of references. A resume generally includes three-five references that can provide a strong assessment of your skills and qualifications.

Letters Requesting Reference


Letters requesting reference are formatted to include the senders address, recipient’s address, date and heading. Adding these elements to your letters will ensure they meet formatting standards.


The introduction is currently one sentence. Providing more information about the purpose of your letter in this paragraph helps orient the reader and connects the letter to their interests.


Consider writing the body of the letter with a you-attitude to strengthen the content. You-attitude considers the reader’s point of view and demonstrates that their needs are valued and understood. Focusing on the benefits to the reader, instead of how the reader can help benefit you, helps build professional working relationships, complete necessary tasks and achieve goals. Providing specific details related to the reader and avoiding use of the word “I” throughout the body of the letter can help achieve this.


The concluding paragraph is well written. It encourages further action and provides contact information, although you may want to add a time that is best to reach you. Briefly summarizing the purpose of the letter here is a helpful way to clarify what the reader needs to do next. Your closing is appropriate and parallels the level of formality used in the salutation. A signature between the complimentary closing and your typed name is required.

Grammar and Syntax

Each component of the application package is well written and free of spelling or grammatical errors.

Overall Final Impressions

You have an excellent start to your application package Sam. Referring to the online course textbook for specific formatting, content and style directions will refine your assignment and create a strong application for a position at Canadian Natural Resources Limited.

A few minor suggestions:

  • Defining the acronym “APEGBC MAPS Membership” found under Professional Affiliations on your resume
  • Salutations such as “Dear” are followed with a colon. Salutations in the letters requesting reference are currently followed with a comma


xxxxx Ave Vancouver, BC XXX March 20, 2015

Professor xxxx

The University of British Columbia Faculty of Dentistry
2199 Westbrook Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3

Subject: Reference Letter Request

Dear Professor xxxx

Hello, I hope you are well and enjoying the spring. I am writing to ask if you would kindly provide a positive letter of reference to be submitted with my application package for admission to McMaster University’s Master of Science in Physiotherapy.

As you know, I am expected to graduate from UBC in April 2016 with a Bachelor of Dental Science in Dental Hygiene. During my time at UBC, I had the privilege of being enrolled as your student in DHYG 433 Assessment and Treatment Planning for Advanced Periodontal Disease and working with you on the Dental Hygiene Admission Committee for two years (2014 and 2105).

These collaborative professional and educational experiences make you an excellent candidate for this letter of reference. If you could kindly have your letter completed by mid-April 2015, it would be most appreciated. This letter can be emailed to me at the email address provided below.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my request. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me by phone at xxx any day after 4pm. You may also email me at xxxx.







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