
There are four major writing assignments in this course: the Formal Report, the Job Application package on Linked-in and the Web Folio; at the end of term you will present samples of your best work on an online portfolio in the form of a UBC website of your own design and creation.

There are a number of smaller assignments that are both collaborative and reflective – think of these smaller assignments as practice pieces that your instructor will occasionally comment on – and your peers will be reviewing. These smaller assignments will be graded on the basis of writing skills and completeness at the end of each unit. See the grading chart below for value. 

Your course marks in English 301 will be distributed as follows:

  • Your course marks in English 301 will be distributed as follows:

    • Application Letter: 4%
    • Student Reflections and self-assessment: 3 x 5 for a total of 15 %
    • Peer Reviews:  6  for a total of 23  %
    • E-mail/ memos 6 for a total of %
    • Formal Report: 20 %
    • Application Package: 10 %
    • Web Folio: 20%