Monday Sept 14th

Good Monday Morning English 301:

I have begun the process of getting to know you all a little by reading your blogs, and while I am still in the process, I must say I am impressed with the general level of writing skills: excellent. I hope you are all feeling settled into the shape of the course of things to come?  From my readings through your blogs, I can see that many of you are as excited as I am with the prospect of a new and up to date writing course – and that is good.

This coming week our focus is on creating writing teams through the use of professionally composed letters of application and email memos. While the process of finding your team members may be a bit chaotic, you will find that employing a professional tone and style will greatly facilitate the process. Your style should favour brevity and clarity and your tone should always be friendly and considerate.  Finding your writing team members is a challenging task, which I except you will enjoy and hope you will be surprised by how much more quickly organizational challenges like this can be accomplished when you adopt a professional writing style.

A quick overview of upcoming assignments: 

1: 2 Assignments:

  • Due Sept 19:  A letter of application addressed to the class to be posted on your blog.
  • Due Sept  20: An email memo to your instructor providing a brief summary of your letter and an attached word doc of your letter. Be sure to name your attached file appropriately: 301 Your name Application letter.
  • Due Sept 22: An email message to your perspective writing team partners: cc your professor:

You will notice I have bolded the phrases: ‘posted on your blog’ / memo / message

This is to alert you to be aware that

  • BLOGS are posts – not pages, so you will start a new post for your first Blog assignment: which is your letter of application.
  • The are a significant differences between how you format an email memo and how you format an email message and you will need to review the text book readings to be aware of those differences.

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