Survey Introduction: an example

I have finished reading through your proposals and some of you have begun to send me your surveys for approval. A common error with this assignment is the composition of the introduction to your surveys; this is a very important. Here is a good example for you to study.

Public Transportation on the UBC Vancouver Campus

I am an undergraduate student at UBC engaged in a technical writing project.  The purpose of this survey is to obtain primary data for an analysis and investigation that aims to provide recommendations for improving your experience with public transportation on the UBC Vancouver campus. The final formal report will be addressed to TransLink staff and UBC Campus + Community Planning staff. Together with the reports available from TransLink website, the data I gather from this survey will serve the ultimate purpose of providing recommendations for increasing efficiency and accessibility. The survey contains 14 multiple-choice questions, and it should take about than 5 minutes of your time. Your responses are voluntary and anonymous. Thank you, I appreciate your generous participation in my survey.

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