Tips for Peer Reviews and Memos and …

 Tips for Peer Reviews and Memos and …

… whenever you are writing a list of things to do – try replacing imperative verbs with “ing” verbs – your writing tone will improve.

For example:

  1. Post a professional profile photo. Profiles with photos are more likely to be viewed. When taking the photo, dress professionally, look directly at the camera, and remember to smile!

Rewrite: ” Posting  a professional profile photo increases the number of views.  Dressing professional, looking directly into the camera and remembering to smile are important.

2. Use a background photo to add interest and lend some context to your profile.

Rewrite: Using a background photo will add interest and lend some context to your profile.

3. Write a summary. The summary is often the first part of the profile recruiters will read, and is an opportunity to differentiate yourself by telling your own story.”

Rewrite: Writing a summary is your opportunity to differentiate yourself and tell your story; the summary is often the first part of the profile recruiters will read.


Organization of Peer Reviews;

Ensure that peer reviews are organized with the same sections of the document you are reviewing:

Create sub-sections with titles for each and every section of the document you are reviewing.

Follow the lesson instructions: ”

  • Comment on all elements of the document; taking note on excellence as well as offering comments that indicate suggestions for improvements.
  • And –  indicate  clearly where you think editing is necessary and explain why please


For example, the Linked-In review should include these sections:

  • Introduction/ first impressions
  • Header/url
  • Photo
  • Summary
  • Experience
  • Volunteer positions
  • Education
  • Recommendations
  • Interests
  • Associations
  • Conclusion/re-cap/ bullet list of suggestions



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