1.3 – Peer Review of Definitions

TO:               Samuel Kobierski

FROM:         Jenny Bachynski, The TechniWriters

DATE:          January 20, 2019

SUBJECT:   Review of Your Assignment 1.3 – Definitions

I have reviewed your current draft of Assignment 1.3 – Definitions. Thank you for taking the time to provide such concise and clear definitions for our writing team. You have written a very thorough definition of what MATLAB is, but I have a few suggestions that would elevate your work, even more:

Audience: It is necessary that we are aware of the type of audience that the definitions are aimed at. If you would elaborate in your introduction and let us know who the work is speaking to, that would add clarity. Would these definitions be sufficient for engineering students? Or, perhaps a group with no engineering experience at all? You reference that “MATLAB is easy to use”, but in what context? Would a person with little computer experience find this to be true?

Specific Terms: If your work was being produced for someone with little to no engineering knowledge, there are two terms that need more clarification. The term “matrix equation” is one I am unfamiliar with – the visual is very helpful, but some small written information to go with the visual would be an excellent addition. The term “differential equation” could be unpacked in  more detail.

Elaborate on Expansion:  You communicated the history, the visuals, and the examples of MATLAB very well. I would suggest expanding on the operating principles, so that someone without experience would feel confident with their first attempt at the program. I believe I have a very strong grasp on what MATLAB is, but less confidence in how it works.

Organization/Formatting: You have created an effectively clean and simple draft that is a pleasure to read. The citations, grammar, and formatting are very professional and provide exactly what is needed. Good work on creating such a precise document.

I hope that my suggestions are helpful and can guide you in making your work even better than it already is. As someone who has very little knowledge of this topic, you have given me a non-intimidating introduction to this new information. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

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