Peer Review of Definitions for Mahsa Ehtemam

To: Mahsa Ehtemam

From: Aya Makhambetova

Date: January 21, 2019

Subject: Peer Review of Assignment 1:3

I have finished peer reviewing your assignment 1:3, definition of a leukocyte. I was impressed by your ability to explain complex biological concepts to people who have little knowledge in biology field. In this peer review, I would like to offer some suggestions to improve your definition:

Reading situation: Your definition is missing the ‘reading situation’. Please describe the situation and the audience in detail.

Terms: Jargon specific to the biological field has been used a number of times and I have encountered some problems understanding such terms as: pathogen, engulf, phagocytosis, etc.  Please consider defining them, or using a simpler synonyms.

Visuals: The visuals you included were the most effective for understanding the material. However, some of them are hard to read due to the small size, and font of text inside. Please consider enlarging.

Expansions: I found the etymology part of your definitions assignment engaging, and I would suggest adding more to that. Maybe you can also add some history behind the discovery of leukocytes.

I hope you would find my suggestions useful for your assignment. Overall it was a fun learning experience for me as an audience. Please let me know if you have any concerns or further questions.

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