To:                  Dr. Erika Paterson, English Professor

From:             Jasmin Senghera, English 301 99A Student

Date:              January 27th, 2019

Subject:          Formal Report Proposal

As instructed on the English 301 Course Website I have formulated a formal report proposal on determining the feasibility of new methods of expiry management in Shoppers Drug Mart, 7538 128 St Surrey B.C. on my blog. Attached to this memo is a copy of this proposal.

The attached proposal consists of these points:

  • The issues with the current system of expiry management
  • The proposed solutions to minimize food waste and loss of revenue
  • The methods and questions I will pursue to make my conclusions

I would appreciate it if you could review my proposal and notify me of any revisions I need to make and whether or not I can begin my research. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your time.


Enclosure: 301 Jasmin Senghera Formal Report Proposal

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