Assignment 2:1 – Formal Report Proposal

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, English 301 Instructor
From: Samuel Kobierski
Date: February 01, 2019
Subject: English 301 Formal Report Proposal – Proposal for the Creation of an Undergraduate Degree in Naval Architecture at UBC

Recently, the marine industry has experienced a revival in British Columbia and within Canada.  This has led to an insufficient number of qualified professionals in the shipbuilding industry, leading to many jobs being left unfilled or filled with underqualified individuals.

Statement of Problem
The Government of Canada recently started a long-term project, the National Shipbuilding Strategy, which aims to renew Canada’s federal fleet of combat and non-combat vessels. With this renewed focus on shipbuilding in Canada, there exists a lack of qualified individuals to staff the many positions in Canada’s west coast shipyards.

Proposed Solution
I propose that UBC create an Undergraduate Degree in Naval Architecture. This program will focus on the skills required by the shipbuilding industry, further strengthening Canada’s shipbuilding industry. This program will provide qualified, employable people to fill the gaps that presently exist in the industry.

I will look at the creation of an Undergraduate Naval Architecture program from the following angles:

  1. The requirements of the industry
  2. Are there enough qualified educators to fill the roles required to create such a program?
  3. Are students interested in the employment opportunities that exist?

I will base this paper on observations I have made as I look for employment as a Naval Architect, as well as through consultation with the UBC Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (NAME) Masters program Co-chairs. I will also investigate Naval Architecture programs that exist within Canada, the United States and in Europe.

My Qualification
I am a near-graduate Mechanical Engineer who will soon enter the workplace where I hope to become employed as a Naval Architect. I have taken many Naval Architecture courses throughout my Undergraduate Degree, but this did not equal the education I could have received if a dedicated Naval Architecture Program existed.

The revival of shipbuilding within Canada through the National Shipbuilding Strategy will not be successful without educated, qualified Naval Architects. The creation of an Undergraduate Degree in Naval Architecture at the University of British Columbia will provide these well educated, qualified individuals.

One comment on “Assignment 2:1 – Formal Report Proposal
  1. erikapaterson says:

    Hello Samuel,
    Thank you for your proposal for a formal report – this is extremely well composed (clear and concise) and interesting. But, the assignment asks for a proposal for a Formal Report and this is a proposal to write a research paper: two very different documents, with different audiences and different purposes.

    Please do review the assignment requirements (collecting and analyzing primary data), study the examples in the textbook and see if you can transform this into a Formal Report proposal – your first consideration is your reader. This is always the first consideration in professional writing: who is reading, why are they reading, what do they need to know? Thank you, please alert me when you have revised.

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