To: Jenny Bachynski
From: Samuel Kobierski
Date: March 05, 2019
Subject: English 301 – Memo Demonstrating You-Attitude – Peer Review

Dear Ms. Bachynski,

I have read your recent memo to Evan Crisp, and I would like to thank you for sharing your memo. Your writing is elegant and professional. My first impressions of your memo are that you have provided a very thorough, well-explained memo that includes lots of examples.

Use of You Attitude:
Your memo is written in a matter that considers the recipient and their feelings. You have written with respect and poise, and I am sure the reader will receive your memo well.

Your document contains a few errors that I would like to bring to your attention. These punctuation errors may seem small, however, they are distracting to the reader and cause the reader to refocus their mind to punctuation rather than your writing.

  • In the first sentence,  the word “some” appears twice, “I am writing to offer some some helpful suggestions on how to write a professional and effective email to a professor.”
  • Another error is located in bullet point five, where the word “implies” should be replaced with the word “imply,” “Don’t assume our time is not of equal importance: I would highly suggest avoiding terms that implies that someone’s time is more precious than another.”
  • Lastly, your use of punctuation is something that could be improved, specifically, your use of quotation marks is incorrect and the comma and period’s should be located inside the quotation marks, such as “Instead of leading with“Hey there”, perhaps ” Hello Professor _______”.” should be rewritten as. “Instead of leading with“Hey there,” perhaps ”Hello Professor _______.”” Another error that was noted in the previous sentence was the space after the quotation mark and before Hello.

Your memorandum and the suggestions it contains will do the reader well in receiving the feedback they desire in future communications if they follow your recommendations. Any comments or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,

Samuel Kobierski

Jenny’s Memo to Evan Crisp

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