To: Karn Sangha
From: Alicia DeGelder
Date: 5 March 2019
Subject: Review of memo to Evan Crisp
I have reviewed your memo written to Evan Crisp outlining successful email communication. Thank you for submitting this helpful document. Please see below for my thoughts and feedback.
Main body:
Your second and third bullet points in the body employ the use of “Your” where it might be best to avoid this. For example: “Address the reader respectfully”.
“Be polite and provide your contact information”: Where should contact information be provided?
Three of your four bullet points all suggest being polite, friendly or respectful. I suggest being more specific with each point to avoid the repetition.
Overall Writing Style:
Your writing is concise and professional, well done.
There is an unnecessary “s” in your third bullet point: “Be respectful and considers the reader’s needs and time”
Overall, you provide helpful tips for a professional to communicate effectively via email. Your memo is clearly written and adequately expresses your main points. I hope you have found my suggestions helpful. Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions.
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