Peer Review You Attitude Memorandum

To: Taylor Smith

From: Lia Slager

Date: March 19, 2019

Subject: Peer Review of You- Attitude Assignment



Thank you for uploading the assignment entitled Memorandum Demonstrating a You-Attitude, which is intended to show how to write a professional email while exercising a ‘You- Attitude’. On an overall basis, the e-mail memorandum was well written and followed the assignment’s instructions. Here are some additional thoughts on how the email’s message could be communicated stronger. I hope that they are found to be useful!


  • The Salutation of the e-mail was effective in establishing common ground with the author. It empathized with the reader showing that the reviewer was writing with good intent and without the intent to criticize.
  • The most common error for this type of email is the repetitive use of the word ‘you’ throughout the body of the email.  The salutation uses the word ‘you’ a few times, directly addressing the author. By avoiding using the word ‘you’ any critique is of the work and not the author. This way any critique will be (hopefully) less likely to be taken personally.

Writing Style

  •  The Email Memorandum was well written, each column transitioned easily into the following
  • The message of the email was communicated both clearly and concisely
  • Each heading was properly labeled and followed a chronological order, making the memorandum easy to read


  • The memorandum was proof-read well, only one spelling mistake and one grammar error could be found
  • The memorandum appropriately used formal terminology and avoided the use of colloquialisms

You- Attitude

  • As stated above, more use of the You- Attitude’ in the Salutation emphasizes critique of the email rather of the author.
  • As outlined in the English 301 blog, another common mistake with this assignment the use of the imperative verbs at the beginning of the bullet points. Use of the imperative implies each point as being directed at the reader and can be misinterpreted as a hostile command.


In conclusion, the email to Evan Crisp was well composed and effectively explained how a formal Email should be written. Hopefully, the suggestions given were both constructive and helpful. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me via email at



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