Social Networking Strategies

Interesting Links to discussions on creating a professional social network:

Here are the charateristics of the Report you will design:

This is a peer to peer report ; and accordingly you should adopt a tone that is most appropriate for the members of your writing team: work hard to find a tone that is both friendly and professional.

The Purpose of this report is to share your strategies for developing a professional social networking plan.

The Significance of this report is to create dialogue and connections between peers. I hope that the connections you have made with your writing team members over the semester remain intact, and grow as you become professionals. Accordingly, I think that by beginning your professional relationships with a collaborative effort to succeed, you will have a good strong foundation for possible future professional relationships.

The Scope of this report should cover 10 strategies for developing, maintaining, and growing your professional social network with detailed rational and step by step  instructions on how to follow through with each strategy.

For complete assignment instructions please go to Lesson 4:1 

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