Hello 301
I am posting some helpful Facebook tips here. Thanks for helping each other out and I hope these tips are helpful for anyone still experiencing issues with the text book or WordPress.
RE: Text Book Access:
Lauren Helena Hjalmarson You can download it off Scribd.com for free! Just be sure to search for the DOCUMENT version – a PDF file uploaded by a user called Mr Ninja or something – rather than the actual “book,” as they do not have it available as a “digital book” anymore

Joseph Augusto Ya for some reason you cant view majority of it on a desktop browser, only on the app on an iOS device. Here are the steps I followed to get it. 1) Follow the link on a desktop browser. Sign in and save it to your library on the Scribd site. 2) download the app onto your iOS device and go to your library and you should have full access. Confusing, I know. Hope it help!
Joseph Augusto https://www.scribd.com/…/Technical-Communication-13th…
Lauren Helena Hjalmarson Also, if some of the pages are showing up almost black, open the file in a different program and it will work fine. iOS books worked for me.

RE: Posting on your Blog vs on a Home Page
How are people making posts under the Blog page? I added a new post but it just goes to the frontpage of the wordpress
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