1.3 Three Definition Assignment–Antimetabolite

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Below is my completed three definition assignment, I look forward to hearing your feedback!


Assignment 1.3 requires the composition of three different types of definitions for a specific discipline related term, all aimed at explaining it’s meaning to a non-technical audience. The objective is to recognize the importance of considering purpose and audience when determining appropriate use of definition types.

Each type of definition varies in its provision of details, complexity and purpose. The three types include: parenthetical definition, sentence definition and expanded definition. Parenthetical is a one-sentence definition that provides a simplified understanding of the term through familiar synonyms, provided in parenthesis. Sentence definitions are utilized when more details are required and is generally composed of more than one sentence. It provides a basic overview of the term and is intended for audiences that expect to use the term more than once, thus necessitating a deeper understanding. Lastly, an expanded definition provides a detailed in-depth understanding of the term and can range from a short paragraph to multiple pages depending on purpose and audience. It employs various expansion strategies to familiarize the reader with the term’s meaning, use and context.

The following are some of the expansion strategies used for expanded definitions: etymology, history, negation, operating principal, analysis of parts, visual, comparison and contrast, required conditions and examples.

For my expanded definition, I will be applying the five following strategies: visual, operating principal, examples, comparison and contrast and required conditions.

Word of Choice: Antimetabolite

Definition: https://www.cancer.gov/publications/dictionaries/cancer-terms/def/antimetabolite

Outline of ‘Reading Situation’: Alice Turner a recently diagnosed breast cancer patient, is discussing prospective treatment plans with her doctor. One of the options, includes the use of a drug listed as an antimetabolite. To ensure Alice (an individual with a non-technical knowledge of medicine), thoroughly understands the treatment plan the doctor provides her with the following definitions of antimetabolite. The final expanded definition provides a comprehensive overview of antimetabolite’s biological basis for operation, action mechanism, example of use as a chemotherapy drug, comparison to other common cancer treatments and the restricting conditions that dictates its use.

1. Parenthetical Definition:
Antimetabolite (anti cell growth drugs) are commonly used to treat cancers of the ovaries, breast and gastronomical tract.

2. Sentence Definition:
The term antimetabolite characterizes a group of pharmaceutical drugs that structurally resemble natural substances found in the body but are functionally distinct. They block cell division and inhibit growth related pathways by replacing required biological components and preventing their functioning. Due to their role in arresting cell growth they are often used in treatments for breast cancer, ovarian cancer and gastric cancer.

3. Expanded Definition: 

-> Operating Principal:

Antimetabolites designates a group of pharmaceutical drugs that are functionally distinct but structurally similar to, biological components involved in growth regulating biochemical reactions, called metabolites. The shared structural similarity allows antimetabolites to hijack the body’s metabolites, impeding their role in any energy conversion pathways or building blocks formation. Consequently, disrupting the overall mechanism of the physiological function dependent on those reactions and pathways.

-> Examples + Visual + Compare and Contrast:

Antimetabolites depending on type can be used for various different purposes for example as anti-bacterial agents, but their most significant contribution are as anti-cancer drugs. They are used to control excessive cell division, a notorious hallmark of cancer. They can inhibit cell growth by interfering with the action of metabolites utilized in DNA synthesis (formation). Without proper DNA synthesis completion, cell division/growth cycle arrests at the DNA replication phase unable to bypass biological checkpoints, preventing creation of any new cells.

Figure 1: Examples of the steps during DNA formation, where an antimetabolite drug can interact and disrupt the pathway have been highlighted using arrows. Each step where an antimetabolite can intervene indicates a distinct antimetabolite drug, with a differing metabolite target, enacting a specific type of interference in the pathway that ultimately all result in the disruption of new DNA formation. The type of antimetabolite with its specific mode of interference, best suited for treatment is dependent on the oncologist and their assessment of the patient’s condition.

Similar to radiation therapy—a common form of cancer treatment, antimetabolites are used to control erratic cancerous cell growth by targeting rapid cell division. However, unlike radiation which entails destroying cancer cells by exposing the tumor area to high doses of radiation via special equipment, antimetabolites are a drug based, systemic treatment that affects the whole body. It interacts with a specific biological target to prevent the progression of the cell cycle and inhibit cell growth. More importantly, antimetabolites do not destroy preformed DNA like radiation therapy, they interfere during new DNA formation when their target is available and active.

-> Required Conditions:

Antimetabolite’s degree of impact, site of action and metabolite target for a specific biological function is restricted by its structure and action mechanism. The structure of the drug dictates its biological target, it can only act on targets with similar structures. Subsequently, the target of the drug determines its site and time of action, without an available target antimetabolite cannot act. Antimetabolite’s action mechanism defines its degree of severity and type of disruption it imposes on the cell. These required conditions control what type of cancers, antimetabolites are effective against. Depending on the cancer and what stage its progressed to the the potency of antimetabolites is varied. Since its mainly used as a preventative course of treatment, to control the spread of cancer through out the body, it’s recommended as a potential treatment option during earlier stages. Antimetabolites have been effectively used against cancers of the breast, ovaries and gastronomical tract.


1. Avendaño Carmen, and Menéndez J. Carlos. Medicinal Chemistry of Anticancer Drugs. Elsevier, 2008.
2. “Radiation Therapy – Canadian Cancer Society.” Www.cancer.ca, www.cancer.ca/en/cancer-information/diagnosis-and-treatment/radiation-therapy/?region=ab.
3. “How Chemotherapy Drugs Work.” American Cancer Society, 16 Feb. 2016, www.cancer.org/treatment/treatments-and-side-effects/treatment-types/chemotherapy/how-chemotherapy-drugs-work.html.
4. Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. “Antimetabolite.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 20 Nov. 2017, www.britannica.com/science/antimetabolite.
“NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms.” National Cancer Institute, www.cancer.gov/publications/dictionaries/cancer-terms/def/antimetabolite

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