Peer Review for Kaylee Jeong

Name of the Reviewer: Razvan Nesiu

Author’s Name: Kaylee Jeong

Title of The Definition: Prosopagnosia

Three questions:

  1. Is Prosopagnosia a neurodegenerative disease?
  2. What are the occipital and temporal lobes?
  3. What is a skin conductance response?

Initial Impressions:

Since I took a Psychology class in Langara College a couple of years ago, I was able to remember the term and its meaning. However, I forgot the details about treatment, types of Prosopagnosia and causes for the occurrence of the disease. You managed to define to the term very well, and hence I just have a few comments about how you can improve your work.

Comments about Purpose

  1. Is the purpose of the definition clearly defined here?

The purpose is clearly defined.

  1. Do any parts of the document stray from the intended purpose?

Every fragment of the document follows the intended purpose.

Comments about Audience

I knew the term beforehand but even so, I can admit that the picture you included is extremely useful in understanding what Prosopagnosia means.

Is there any use of jargon in the definition?

Some jargon from the fields of Psychology and Biology were used, and I failed to understand at my first glance, but after checking some online dictionaries I managed to figure them out. Some examples of such terms are occipital lobe, temporal lobe, neurodegenerative.

Comments about Organization

  1. List the methods of expansion you see being used in the definition.

The methods used were: Etymology, Meaning, Visuals, Types, Causes, Treatments. All of these were appropriate in order to describe the term chosen.

  1. Does each section of the definition – introduction, body, and conclusion – perform its intended task? If not, indicate what needs further attention.

Each section managed to perform its task.

  1. Does the definition contain clear forecasting statements in its thesis and topic sentences?

Yes, it does.

  1. Comments about Visuals: are the visuals useful and correctly labeled?

Visuals were extremely helpful in understanding Prosopagnosia. The text on the picture offers a good explanation of what the person suffering from this disease feels.

Final Impressions

  1. What element of this document is most in need of improvement and why?

I have to admit that the text is easy to follow even if some jargon was used. However, I would suggest to include a short definition of the above-mentioned jargon terms.

  1. What is the most effective element of this document and why?

The most effective element of this document is the Etymology section (part 1). The term itself is very hard to understand for any reader, without knowing where the term originates from. Hence I found that section to be very enlighting, and I can say that overall it was a good read.

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