Assignment 2:3 – Formal Report Progress Memo

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, English 301 Instructor
From: Samuel Kobierski
Date: February 23, 2019
Subject: English 301 – Assignment 2:3 – Formal Report Progress Memo

As you requested, I am writing to you today to provide you with an update on the progress of my Formal Report.

My Formal Report Proposal has been updated to include:

  • Revised topic:
    • A revised topic that better suits the needs and requirements of this assignment, and also a much more important component of the shipbuilding process
  • My target audience:
    • Dr. James Olsen, Dean of Applied Science at the UBC
  • Purpose of my Formal Report:
    • My investigation will explore the need for a Towing Tank, a critical component of Canada’s shipbuilding infrastructure
  • The significance of my report:
    • My report should convince the Dean of Applied Science to pursue the construction of a Towing Tank at UBC
  • My Research plan:
    • Contact project stakeholders:
      • Academia:
        • Interview UBC Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering Professors Chris McKesson & Jon Mikkelsen. Interview questions posted below
      • Industry:
        • Reach out to local naval architecture firms. Questionnaire attached below
  • My Writing Schedule:
    • March 01, 2019: Interviews and survey data collected
    • March 08, 2019: Formal Report Draft written in point form
    • March 12, 2019: Formal Report Draft submitted to team forum
    • March 17, 2019: Receive Peer Review of Formal Report Draft
    • April 10, 2019: Formal Report submitted to team forum

Please let me know if you require further information or have any questions about my updated Formal Report Proposal, which has been attached for your reference below.


Samuel Kobierski

UBC Towing Tank Questionnaire

301 Samuel Kobierski Formal Report Proposal Rev 2

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