Peer Review of Formal Report Draft

To: Ayazhan Makhambetova

From: Razvan Nesiu

Date: March 18, 2019

Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Draft

I really enjoyed reading your formal report draft on the feasibility of replacing the single-use paper cups with the biodegradable plastic cups. It is always important to keep an eye on the impact we have on our environment and the fact that you brought up this issue gladdens me. I am looking forward to seeing your final report. Please find below some suggestions on how to improve your paper.

First Impressions

The content of the paper is excellent, but there are several grammatical mistakes scattered throughout the paper. It would be a good idea to proof-read your essay or use a spellchecker such as Grammarly. There is also a Chrome extension for Grammarly which I suggest that you use.


The table of contents follows the guidelines of the assignment. I appreciate the fact that you included some indentation for the subsection, which makes it easier to read.


The introduction is well organized, but it contains a few errors. The phrases low-cost, single-use, single-serving are supposed to be written with a dash in between them. Secondly, in the phrase “There is also the matter of Costa Coffee employees whom are unaware …” whom should be replaced with who. In the second sentence of the second paragraph, you wrote “there need to be a new solution”, which should be rephrased to “there needs to be a solution”. The sentence “However, with the adaptation biodegradable cups is widely researched and in practiced in several countries where coffee culture has matured and can be replicated simply by having Costa Coffee’s sister brands that are not present in Kazakhstan lend a hand in their common practices that has more benefits rather than downsides” should be rephrased a bit so as to read “have” instead of “has” and also “practice” instead of “practiced”. Before Figure 1, you said “most of that has recyclable plastic that are not biodegradable”. You should replace “are” with “is”.

Data Section

In your fifth question in the data section you said “Would you consider paying more for your drink (approx. $0.10) if company were to …” and you omitted the article “the” before the noun “company”. The use of graphs in your paper is very appropriate, and so the reader can extract the information very easily. Maybe consider adding just one more open-ended question so as to have a balanced mix of types of questions.


It is good that you thought about the health impact as well as the marketing impact when considering the switch between single-use cups and biodegradable cups. You managed to identify the root cause of why people do not bring their own mug at the coffee shop and the reason is that it is inconvenient. Finally, you managed to explain your solution in a concise and thoughtful manner.


The conclusion is clear and easy to read, but it could be simplified a bit more. In other words, you could have summarized everything in fewer words, and in that way, you would have ended up with a more concise and short conclusion, without losing effective information.


I believe that your formal report draft is very well written. In fact, there are just a few grammatical errors here and there, but aside from that it looks very good and it really shows that you did your research well enough on the topic. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me on Facebook.

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