Author: erikapaterson

Monday Jan 25

Good Monday 301: Having read through all of your application letters, I must say I am impressed with the level and diversity of experiences; this appears to be a class full of accomplished writers, for the most part. With lesson

Jan 19: Unit One

Hello 301; Today I want to talk about the evaluation process and assignments for lesson 1:3 – definitions and peer review. The Evaluation Process: I asked you all to discuss your learning styles in your introduction to your blogs. In

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Monday January 11: Welcome

I am happy to see your websites being posted on our Facebook page; thank you. As you post your links on Facebook, I will include the link on our Student Blog  page. Please do take some time to read each

January 4th: Welcome

Welcome to my Instructor’s Blog I will post a new blogs on a regular basis which you should read before beginning each week’s lesson. The principle purpose of this Blog is to respond to your work and the progress of our course

Social Networking Strategies

Interesting Links to discussions on creating a professional social network:  Your Guide to the Social Media Jungle [] Build Your Professional Network [] Building Your Professional Network : []  Networking: University of Virginia Career Building:    [] Here are the charateristics of the

Some Excellent Examples of a Reflection Blog & More

Good day 301; Reflection Blogs I am posting a link to an example of a reflection blog that fulfills all of my expectations; this example is thoughtful, well expressed, full of details, free of unnecessary words and most importantly, it

Monday Oct 26: Examples of Peer review and tips for drafting your formal report

Good Monday morning 301 I am working my way through your Unit Two evaluations and expect to be complete before the end of the week. In the meantime, I am posting an example of an excellent Peer Review for the

Monday Oct 20: Surveys

Examples of a Survey Introduction I have finished reading through your proposals and some of you have begun to send me your surveys for approval. A common error with this assignment is the composition of the introduction to your surveys;

Monday Oct 5 Unit One Evaluation Process

As I read through your assignments for  Unit One, I want to review and clarify my assessment process for you all. First, just as I asked you to describe your learning philosophies on your welcome pages, I want to detail my

Monday Sept 28: Lesson 1:3 Definitions & Peer Review

Hello 301, With lesson 1:3 assignments you are practicing four writing techniques: The art of definition — and the importance of always considering your reader’s needs first. The art of Peer Review  Self-editing based on review Reflection on your writing techniques  Assignment #1: Definitions, should


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